a party game where a blindfolded player has to catch someone
Blinde Kuh
"BLIND MAN'S BUFF - A traditional game, which most people know. One person is blindfolded and then turned around a few times so they are not sure where they face in the room. Then they have to try and catch someone by touching them,..."
(PS - December 2003)."
Did you know?
Here are the 4 most important buffs for you to remember:
(1) blind man's buff = Blindekuh (2) in the buff [coll.] = nackt (3) buff wheel [tech.] = die Polierscheibe (4) opera buff = der Opernfan
Note: please don't confuse the English buff with the German baff:
baff sein = to be flabbergasted, astounded, speechless, gobsmacked
If you say to the British "I am baff" they could understand that you are "naked" ! :)