"Patrick Doyle Is Full of Blarney" by Jennifer Armstrong Hardcover (October 1999)
Amazon Books
Did you know?
1. Smooth, flattering talk
2. Deceptive nonsense
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Actually, it's not that easy to say exactly what blarney really is.
Blarney is a word from the late 18th century. It is said that the owner of the Blarney Castle in County Cork, Ireland didn't want to peacefully surrender his castle to Queen Elizabeth. He prolonged the surrender with flattery, persuading those involved to delay the takeover for month after month. Blarney came to be associated with persuasively soft speech.
The Blarney stone is a stone in Blarney Castle, near Cork - it is believed to magically give skill in flattery to those who kiss it.
Whatever it is, blarney is the secret weapon of the Irish, allowing the average Irishman to charm almost anyone.