avid = begeistert, begierig, eifrig, begierig nach
avid reader = Leseratte
avid of glory = ruhmsüchtig
avid for power = machthungrig
avid for revenge = rachsüchtig
avid for learning = lernbegierig
avidity = Gier, Begierde, Habsucht
Children's writer Jacqueline Wilson has been named the most borrowed author in the UK library lending chart... Wilson is still an avid reader and has a collection of about 15,000 books crammed into her house in Kingston upon Thames.
(BBC News - 13th Feb. 2004)
Did you know?
avid has two meanings
1. Having an ardent desire or unbounded craving; greedy.
2. Marked by keen interest and enthusiasm.
From Latin avidus, from avere, to desire.
Avid is also the name of a popular internet software/media company.