apprenticeship = Ausbildung, Ausbildungsverhältnis, Lehre, Lehrstelle, Lehrverhältnis, Lehrzeit (Handwerk)
to do an apprenticeship = eine Lehre/Ausbildung machen (Handwerk)
One day during his apprenticeship (with Giovanni Cimabue), Giotto painted a fly on the nose of a figure in one of his mentor's unfinished paintings. Cimabue later returned to work and repeatedly tried to brush it away, before suddenly realizing that he had fallen victim to one of his student's practical jokes.
Giotto di Bondone, (c. 1267-1337) Florentine Renaissance painter, architect, and sculptor; city architect of Florence (1334) - noted for his rejection of the formulaic Byzantine for a more natural style, and for his design of the campanile for the cathedral in Florence.
Did you know?
ap-pren-tice noun
: A person who is learning a trade or occupation, especially as skilled worker (in a factory)
ap-pren-tice-ship noun :The period or time of training served by an apprentice
Middle English apprentis, from Old French aprentis, from Vulgar Latin apprenditicius, from apprenditus, alteration of Latin apprehensus, past participle of apprehendere, to seize.
Note In an office, or the armed services we would use the word "trainee".
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"After doing an apprenticeship in our factory, he realised that office work would suit him better - fifteen years later he became head of administration"