
unable to make a decision


Überforderung und Blockierung durch Informationsflut



ANALYSISPARALYSIS is a word that describes the condition suffered when our decision-making ability is made impossible due to an overwhelming amount of information.

Did you

Would you have guessed that over 15,000 new words from the English-speaking world are created every month? This does not mean, however, that they will all survive - only a small percentage finally get entered into The Oxford English Dictionary.

The word analysisparalysis is a candidate word that may or may not achieve dictionary status - a phrase with a similar meaning is "information fatigue syndrome".

At the risk of inducing 'analysisparalysis' in you, here are some other new word candidates for you to reflect over:

- achiever fever = a condition that reduces life to a permanent round of work-related activities

- road rage/trolley rage/golf rage = extreme anger on roads/supermarkets/golf courses

- ego-surfing = searching the Internet for occurences of your own name

- microphobes = opponents of Microsoft

- high-five = two people slapping their hand over their heads

- videofit = Phantombild, das am Bildschirm erstellt wird

- to go ballistic = an die Decke gehen

- outworker = HeimarbeiterIn

- chill out (Am slang) = sich beruhigen, relaxen

- gateway drug = Einstiegsdroge

- technophobe = jd, der Technomusik ablehnt

- style slave = jd, der sich nur nach der neuesten Mode kleidet

- street/road pizza = flattened body of dead animal on the road

- money puker = an automatic teller machine/cashpoint (Geldautomat)

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