amicable relationship

a friendly relationship


amicable = gütlich, friedlich; unter Freunden



"6 months after the divorce he had developed an AMICABLE RELATIONSHIP with his first wife and with his children."

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Etymology: Middle English, from Late Latin amicabilis

Date: 15th century

Merriam-Webster says:

: characterized by friendly goodwill : peaceable

- am·i·ca·bil·i·ty (noun)
- am·i·ca·ble·ness (noun)
- am·i·ca·bly (adverb)

synonyms AMICABLE, NEIGHBOURLY, FRIENDLY mean exhibiting goodwill and an absence of antagonism.

AMICABLE implies a state of peace and a desire on the part of the parties not to quarrel .

NEIGHBOURLY implies a disposition to live on good terms with others and to be helpful on principle .

FRIENDLY stresses cordiality and often warmth or intimacy of personal relations .

amicable is an important word in business as you can see:

amicable = unter Freunden, gütlich, gütig, friedlich, freundschaftlich, freundlich, einvernehmlich
amicable agreement = Vergleich in Güte, gütlicher Vergleich
amicable adjustment = das Einvernehmen
amicable adjustment = gütliche Beilegung
amicable settlement = der Vergleich
amicable settlement = gütliche Einigung, gütlicher Vergleich, gütliche Regelung
amicable arrangement = das Einvernehmen
amicable arrangement [jur.]: außergerichtliche Einigung
a request for settlement by amicable arrangement = das Schlichtungsgesuch

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