
to state or claim something is true (without proof)


behaupten, vorgeben, vorwerfen, vorbringen, unterstellen, anschuldigen, beschuldigen



"WASHINGTON - Atta didn't meet with Iraqi intelligence agent as once ALLEGED. U.S. investigators no longer believe suicide hijacker Mohammed Atta met with an Iraqi intelligence agent in Europe last year, eliminating the only known link between Saddam Hussein's government and the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks."

(Associated Press - Tuesday, April 30, 2002)

Did you

Did you know?

'Allege' means to assert as true; to assert without providing proof.

Etymology: Middle English "alleggen" from Old French alegier "to vindicate, justify." The history of today's word is interesting because the form of the word derives from Latin allegare but the meaning comes from from esligier "to pay a fine, justify oneself" from Late Latin *exlitigare "to legally clear" from ex "out (of)" + litigare "to sue."

'Allege' is a useful word in business, politics and law. Learn these phrases:

- allege as excuse = zur Entschuldigung vorbringen

- allege conspiracy = eine Verschwörung unterstellen

- allege an argument = eine Behauptung aufstellen

- allege as a pretext = als Vorwand vorbringen

- allege a web of deceit = ein Netz von Täuschungen unterstellen

Note the noun: allegation = die Angabe, die Anschuldigung, die Behauptung, die Beschuldigung

Note the adjective: allegedly = angeblich

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