
to depart in secret, to disappear


entfliehen, flüchten, sich heimlich davon machen



One day Brigitte Bardot began beating one of her French countrymen with her umbrella before ABSCONDING with his pet mynah bird. When police arrived at her apartment to recover the bird, the actress explained that the man had been abusing the animal... by feeding it a hamburger and French fries.

(In 1993, Bardot met with Pope John Paul II and offered to donate money to save starving animals in Africa. Officials suggested that she spend money on the starving Africans themselves)

Did you


= To leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, often to avoid arrest or prosecution.

From the Latin abscondere


ABSCOND, bail out, to hide, beat it, blow, bolt, break, breeze, cut out, decamp, disappear, dog it, duck out, escape, fade, fade away, flee, fly, get, go AWOL, go south, hightail, hotfoot, jump, kiss goodbye, lam, leave, make off, make scarce, make tracks, opt out, pull out, quit, run away, run off, scram, scoot, skedaddle, skip, skip out, slip away, sneak away, split, steal away, take flight, take off, vamoose


- to abscond with sth. = sich mit etw. davonmachen
- to abscond from justice = sich der Festnahme entziehen, sich den Gesetzen entziehen
- to abscond after a traffic accident [jur.] = Fahrerflucht begehen

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