That smarts

That's painful


That smarts = Das tut weh, das zwickt



"Kelly notes that many small businesses are still SMARTING from the small business federal tax hike to 10.5 per cent."

Business Financial Post

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(1) (of a wound or part of the body) feel or cause a sharp stinging pain (her legs were scratched and SMARTING) (his eyes were SMARTING from the smoke).

synonyms: sting, burn, tingle, prickle; hurt, ache
(2) feel upset and annoyed (staff are still SMARTING from the pay cuts)
synonyms:    feel annoyed, feel upset, feel offended, take offence, feel aggrieved, feel indignant, feel put out, feel hurt, feel wounded, feel resentful


The term "that smarts" meaning “that hurts" dates back over a thousand years.

Before 1050, Middle English smerten, Old English -smeortan (only in the compound fyrsmeortende: painful like fire), cognate with Old High German smerzan (German schmerzen); Middle English smerte, smart quick, prompt, sharp; late Old English smearte

There are many other SMART forms floating around, here are a few more:
- the smarts (informal -North American)= intelligence; acumen ("I don't think I have the smarts for it")

- S.M.A.R.T (business acronym = goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-based)

- smarty pants (informal) = one who is obnoxiously self-assertive and arrogant, know-it-all, saucebox, smart aleck, smarty, wisenheimer, wise guy (Besserwisser, Schlauberger; Klugscheiße)

After receiving harsh criticism, this response could provide a fast exit:

"I'm really sorry, but that feedback really SMARTS. Let's take a break, I need some time to think about it."

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