gamed = manipuliert werden, ausgetrickst werden, hereingelegt werden; ausgenutzt werden
“Sports Fans GAMED! More than 500 Connecticut customers playing a DraftKings online slot machine tried roughly 21,000 spins for a payout of exactly zero. That’s right — 21,000 spins and not a nickel returned. DraftKings pocketed every cent.”
Phil Mushnick — New York Post (7th September 2024)
“The combination of inconsistent and opaque standards, with an almost total lack of issuer engagement, leads to a generally low-quality ratings output, one at risk of being gamed by smart greenwashers.”
Frank Sixt - Reuters (28th December 2020)
- manipulate (a situation), typically in a way that is unfair or unscrupulous
Oxford Languages
The word “game” comes from the Old English gamen, meaning “joy, amusement, sport, or pastime.” It is related to Old Norse gaman and Old High German gaman, which also carry connotations of fun, enjoyment, or entertainment.
Over time, “game” evolved to include competitive activities or structured play, often involving strategy and rules.
“To game” (verb): By the 16th century, “to game” referred to participating in gambling or playing games of chance. This usage began to carry connotations of risk-taking and seeking personal gain.
In the 20th century, the verb “game” began to be associated with exploiting systems or situations to one’s advantage, often in ways that were seen as clever but unethical. This likely stems from the idea of “gaming the system,” where individuals treat systems or rules like a game to be “won” rather than followed.
The phrase “to game the system” became common by the mid-20th century, particularly in business and politics, to describe manipulating bureaucratic or procedural frameworks for personal advantage. The implication of unfairness or unscrupulousness became central to this usage.
Thus, the word “gamed” in this context directly builds on the concept of gamesmanship—strategically bending or exploiting rules in competitive or systemic contexts.
- Ahead of the game = to be in a favourable or advantageous position
- Fair game = something or someone that is considered a legitimate target for criticism or action
- Game changer = something that significantly alters the existing situation or approach
- Game over = the end of a situation or opportunity
- Game plan = a detailed strategy or plan of action
- Give the game away = To reveal a secret or spoil a surprise
- On top of your game = performing at your best
- Play the game = to behave according to the rules or accepted conventions
- Skin in the game = to have a personal stake or investment in an undertaking
- The name of the game = the essential aspect or purpose of an activity
- The only game in town = the only available option or the most prominent choice
- Up your game = improve your performance
abused, baited, beguiled, bluffed, cheated, coaxed, conned, deceived, deluded, diddled, duped, exploited, finessed, fooled, framed, GAMED, goaded, hoodwinked, hustled, imposed upon, manipulated, misled, nutmegged, outwitted, played, scammed, set up, shammed, shortchanged, snookered, spoofed, stung, swindled, taken advantage of, trapped, tricked, victimized
SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:
“No matter how secure you try to design a system, there will always be individuals trying to GAME it, to exploit its weaknesses.”
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