


protean = leicht veränderlich, wechselhaft, variable, anpassbar, anpassungsfähig



“The causes of our constitutional disarray are PROTEAN. Many things converged. We could blame Darwinism, scientism, naturalism, progressivism, the treason of the intellectuals, the rage, resentment, and fatuity of the cultural Marxists, or the spiritual eugenics of the woke. But, whatever the cause (or causes), the courts have been complicit.”

Janice Rogers Brown — The National Review (22nd June 2024)

“The Permanent, Unmistakable Mark Human Beings Have Left on Planet Earth. Our influence is written in the geological strata. Humanity is a much more complex, PROTEAN planetary force than a meteorite strike or glacial retreat.”

Jan Zalasiewicz — Scientific American (1st September 2016)

Did you


- readily taking on varied shapes, forms, or meanings

- exhibiting considerable variety or diversity

Oxford Languages, The American Heritage Dictionary


The word "Protean" comes from Proteus, a sea god in Greek mythology known for his ability to change shape at will.

The name Proteus (Πρωτεύς) is linked to the verb prōtos (πρῶτος), meaning "first" or "primary." This suggests he was an early, fundamental deity associated with knowledge and prophecy.

Proteus could foresee the future but would only reveal his knowledge if captured. To avoid being caught, he would change his form into various animals, elements (fire, water), or objects.

The Romans adopted the Greek name Proteus into Latin while keeping the idea of his shapeshifting nature.

The adjective Protean emerged in English in the late 16th century, meaning "versatile," "capable of changing form," or "variable."

The modern meaning describes something adaptable, flexible, or constantly changing (e.g., a protean actor = someone who plays many different roles convincingly). It can also imply something elusive or unpredictable, much like the original Proteus.


The Greek word prōtos (πρῶτος) meaning "first" or "foremost”, has given rise to many English words, often carrying meanings related to primacy, leadership, or originality:

- Prototype = the first model or version of something, from which others are developed

- Protocol = formal set of rules or the first draft of a document

- Protagonist = the main character in a story, play, or film

- Proton = a positively charged particle in the nucleus of an atom

- Protoplasm = the living substance inside a cell

- Prototypical = representing the first or best example of a type

- Protozoa = group of single-celled microorganisms

- Protein = originally thought to be the first or primary substance of living matter

- Protégé (borrowed via French) = a person guided or mentored by someone more experienced


a range of, a variety of, adaptable, adjustable, all-around, all-purpose, alterable, amorphous, can turn on a dime, capricious, chameleon-like, changeable, changing like the seasons, chimeric, comes in all flavors, convertible, dexterous, diversified, eclectic, elastic, ever-changing (-evolving, -shifting), facile, fickle, flexible, fluid, flux and flow, free-flowing, going with the flow, in constant motion, kaleidoscopic, labile, legion, like a chameleon (mercury, quicksilver, water taking any vessel's shape), malleable, manifold, many-faced (-sided), mercurial, metamorphosing, morphing, motley, multifaceted, multifarious, multiform, multiple, multiplex, multiplicitous, mutable, patchwork, plastic, pliant, polymorphic, polymorphous, PROTEAN, quick-change artist, quicksilver, ragtag, ready to pivot, revolutionary, rolling stone, roving, rubberlike, runs like water, shape-shifting, slippery (as an eel), springy, supple, swimming with the tide, swinging like a pendulum, transformable, transformative, transient, transmogrifying, transmutable, unanchored, unbounded, uncommitted, unconstrained, unpredictable, unsettled, unstable, unsteady, variable, varied, variegated, variform, versatile, volatile, wavelike, wearing many hats

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“My dog’s PROTEAN obedience depends entirely on whether I’m holding a treat.”

P L E A S E   S U P P O R T   O W A D

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Paul, Helga, & Jenny Smith

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