
a person who is between 90 and 99 years old


nonagenarian = Neunziger



For Carl Reiner and His Fellow NONAGENARIANS, Death Can Wait. The title of his most recent book is "Too Busy to Die," and this 95-year-old comedy legend can thank his vivid dreams for inspiring many of the ideas that keep him going.

The New York Times

The one, the only,… Iris Apfel turns 92 today. We happen to think the world’s most style NONAGENARIAN said it best herself when she proclaimed "I’m a geriatric starlet!".


Did you


- a person who is between 90 and 99 years old

From Latin nōnāgēnārius ("of the number ninety")

Find your own age on this scale and also impress your friends with some latin in English:

- vicenarian 20-29
- tricenarian 30-39
- quadragenarian 40-49
- quinquagenarian 50-59
- sexagenarian 60-69
- septuagenarian 70-79
- octogenarian 80-89
- nonagenarian 90-99
- centenarian 100 or older

SYNONYMS for "aged"

elderly, old, mature, older, senior, ancient, venerable; advanced in years, getting on; in one's dotage, long in the tooth, as old as the hills; grey, grey-haired, grey-bearded, grizzled, hoary; past one's prime, not as young as one was, not as young as one used to be; decrepit, doddering, doddery, not long for this world, senile, superannuated, senescent; septuagenarian, octogenarian, nonagenarian, centenarian;


past it, over the hill, no spring chicken

Smuggle OWAD into a conversation today
say something like:

"Hey, guess what? My grandma has become a nonagenarian today."

Thanks for Karola for suggesting today's OWAD.

Wishing you a great weekend!


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