hot take

personal opinion


hot take = eine schnell produzierte, stark formulierte und oft absichtlich provokative oder sensationelle Meinung oder Reaktion (z.B. als Reaktion auf aktuelle Nachrichten)



“Certainly, I’ve been guilty of rushing to write a HOT TAKE myself. But the current situation (Will Smith slapping Chris Rock) just feels out of hand. The great thing about the internet is that it has given a voice to so many; the unfortunate thing about the internet is that so many use it to speak rather than listen.”

Angela Watercutter - Wired Magazine (1st April 2022)

Did you

hot take

- a piece of writing or speech, especially on the internet, giving someone’s personal opinions about a topic, usually strong opinions that have not been carefully thought about and that many people are likely to disagree with

- In journalism, a hot take is a “piece of deliberately provocative commentary that is based almost entirely on shallow moralizing” in response to a news story “usually written on tight deadlines with little research or reporting, and even less thought”

- a quickly produced, strongly worded, and often deliberately provocative or sensational opinion or reaction (as in response to current news)

- a hastily assembled but perhaps heartfelt piece of incendiary opinionated content

Cambridge Dictionary / Wiki / Merriam-Webster / New York Times


Around 2012, “hot take” originated as a term in the sports talk radio industry to fill dead time on networks and sports-related debate shows.

Show hosts would pick a topic from the current sports scene (often one that has no business being discussed because the answer is unknowable) and making loud, fact-free declarations about the topic, prompting angry listeners to call in and thus providing show content.

a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge:

assessment, assumption, broad view, brooding, call, cast of mind, cogitation, conceptualisation, conclusion, conjecture, considered opinion, construal, deduction, educated guess, evaluation, eye view, feeling in one’s bones, figuring, grasp, guesstimation, gut feeling, HOT TAKE, hypothesis, imagining, induction, inference, inkling, insight, interpretation, intimation, introspection, intuition, inward eye, judgement, line of thinking, lowdown, mental vision, mind’s eye, mulling, musing, observation, perception, personal feeling, perspective, picture, ponderings, postulation, POV (point of view), premise, presentiment, presumption, proposition, rationale, realisation,  reflection, riff, rough guess, rumination, say-so, sentiment, shot/stab in the dark, sizing up, slant, sneaking suspicion, speculation, spell of reflection, spin, standpoint, state of mind, supposition, take, thesis, thinking, train of thought, two cents worth, unravelment, vantage point, viewpoint, weighing up, where one is at

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

”Straczynski had a HOT TAKE about personal opinions: ‘Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth’.”

J. Michael Straczynski - American writer and television producer

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