
to glamourise someone


to lionise = vergöttern, jdn. umschwärmen, jdn. zum Helden (des Tages) machen, für jdn./etw. schwärmen [verehren]; Sehenswürdigkeiten bestaunen



“It must anger Putin that his young adversary Zelensky is being lauded and LIONISED. The Ukrainian is being cast as the great defender of democracy in its hour of peril, while Putin is being likened to Hitler.”

Nick Bryant - Women’s Weekly (24 March 2022)

Did you

lionise (lionize US)

- give a lot of public attention and approval to (someone); treat as a celebrity

- to make someone famous, or to treat someone as if they were famous

- to treat as an object of great interest or importance

Dictionary dot Com / Cambridge Dictionary / Merriam-Webster

The lion is the king of beasts. To lionise someone is to regard them as important as a lion.


The meaning “to treat (someone) as a celebrity” is from 1809 (Scott). This preserves “lion” in the sense of “a person of note who is much sought-after” (from 1715), a sense said to have been extended from the lions formerly kept in the Tower of London from the late 16th century. These were animals of general curiosity that every visitor in town was taken to see.


A lion’s roar is so loud that it can be heard from more than five miles away. Reaching 114 decibels, the sound is louder than that of any other big cat — just one reason why the lion is known as the king of the jungle.

Lions are able to make such an imposing call thanks to their larynx: while most animals’ vocal cords are triangular, a lion’s are square and flat. This allows air to flow more easily, resulting in a loud roar that requires relatively little effort on the lion’s part.

to give a lot of public attention and approval to someone:

acclaim, adulate, applaud, bestow honour on, canonise, carry a torch for, deify, ennoble, eulogise, extol the virtues of, give a big cigar to, give accolades to, glamourise, glorify, hats off to, heap praise on, hear it for, honour, immortalise, LIONISE, memorialise, pay tribute to, place on a pedestal, put the seal of approval on, raise one’s glass to, rhapsodize over, romanticise, throw bouquets at, treat like royalty, venerate

Practice OWAD in a conversation today, say something like:

“Nowadays, there seem to be few politicians deserving to be LIONISED.”

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