
a highy manipulative person


Hi-Mach = eine Person, der Empathie fehlt und die Welt auf zynische, emotionslose Weise betrachtet; ihre Hauptinteressen liegen bei Macht und Status, und sie wird alles tun, was nötig ist, um ihre Ziele zu erreichen



“Their research also provided the negative qualities which tend to follow a HI MACH CEO, like excessive politicking, theft, and paying for illegal kickbacks in laboratory studies. All these traits are connected to a HI MACHS’s quest for the most beneficial and low-cost deals for their company.”

Thomas Burnam, Oleg Petrenko — University of Arkansas (16th August 2022)

“People who display especially elevated levels of Machiavellianism—referred to by some psychologists as ‘HI-MACHS’—lack empathy and take a cynical, unemotional view of the world; their primary interests center on power and status, and they'll do whatever is necessary to achieve their goals.”

Psychology Today Online

Did you


- a person with a high level of manipulativeness and deceitfulness, and a cynical, unemotional temperament


The phrase "Hi-Mach" is derived from the psychological concept of Machiavellianism, named after Niccolò Machiavelli, a 16th-century Italian diplomat and political theorist.

The psychologists Richard Christie and Florence L. Geis developed the concept of Machiavellianism as a personality trait in the 1960s. They created the Mach IV test, a 20-question personality survey to measure an individual's level of Machiavellianism.

"High Mach" refers to individuals who score high on the Machiavellianism scale, “Low Mach" refers to those who score low.

The term "Hi-Mach" became common in psychological literature and research to describe individuals exhibiting high levels of Machiavellian traits.


For over five centuries, the ideas of Niccolò Machiavelli have strongly influenced Western politics — from Henry VIII to the American founding fathers, and others in high positions who sought to wield power, if not always ethically.

In evolutionary biology, the "Machiavellian intelligence" hypothesis suggests that our intelligence evolved not just for tool-making or problem-solving, but as a means to understand and manipulate complex social environments. It paints a picture of our ancestors as proto-politicians, constantly scheming to outwit their rivals and secure their place in the social hierarchy.

While often associated with a lack of empathy, research shows that Machiavellians often possess high “cognitive empathy”. This allows them to understand others' thoughts and feelings without necessarily sharing them, using this insight as a tool for manipulation rather than connection. On a relationship level, their ability to coldly cut ties when a relationship no longer serves their interests is also characteristic of this behaviour. Unlike narcissists who crave the spotlight, Machiavellians often prefer to operate behind the scenes as puppeteers.

These self-serving, opportunistic traits are said to explain a disproportionate number of Hi-Machs at senior corporate and political levels.

It's important to note that not all Machiavellians achieve their goals. Some become so engrossed in plotting and scheming, they fail to take decisive action when needed. As with many things in life, an overemphasis on strategy at the expense of execution can hinder progress and ultimate success.

Paul & Helga Smith


for "self-centred"

all about me, arrogant, believes they're God's gift, bigheaded, boastful, careerist, center of their own universe, cocky, conceited, dog in the manger, egocentric, egoistic, egomaniacal, egotistic, egotistical, feathering one's own nest, fortune-hunting, full of oneself, grandstanding, greedy, in it for themselves, in love with their own reflection, inconsiderate, inward-looking, it's all about them, know-it-all, legend in their own mind, looking out for number one, me myself and I, narcissistic, navel-gazer, on an ego trip, only cares about their own skin (out for themselves), opportunistic, prideful, prima donna, self-absorbed (-admiring, -aggrandizing, -applauding, -concerned, -congratulatory, -engrossed, -glorifying, -indulgent, -interested, -loving, -obsessed, -seeking, -serving) selfish, smug, swaggering, swellheaded, swollen-headed, thinks the world revolves around them, vain, vainglorious, wrapped up in themselves

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

“If a person is disingenuous, I wonder if there’s a higher chance that they will also be a HI-MACH?”

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Paul & Helga Smith

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