


lambent = züngelnd, flackernd; sanft strahlend; sprühend, funkelnd —— lambent wit = die Fähigkeit, Worte auf eine kluge und humorvolle Weise freundlich zu verwenden



“Indian director Payal Kapadia's lovely sophomore feature illuminates the Cannes competition with its LAMBENT tale of two Mumbai nurses bonding within a city of 20 million souls.”

Jessica Kiang — Variety (23rd May 2024)


"Ever since the Earth's crust stabilized and we emerged from its primordial soup, there's been a unifying cry to banish the darkness and usher in the warm, LAMBENT glow of light."

Tristan Scott — Flathead Living (24th December 2023)

Did you


- softly bright or radiant

- running or moving lightly over a surface

- dealing lightly and gracefully with a subject; brilliantly playful

Dictionary Com



The word "lambent" comes from the Latin lambens, which is the present participle of the verb lambo meaning "to lick”.

The etymology reflects the word's connection to the idea of something lightly touching or flowing over a surface, which evolved into descriptions of soft, flickering light or gentle radiance.

"Lambent" entered the English language in the mid-1600s — the Oxford English Dictionary's earliest evidence for it is from 1647, in the writing of the poet Abraham Cowley.

In modern usage, "lambent" is used to describe the visual effect of soft, radiant light, sometimes flickering gently; or, to describe complex or intellectual subjects, such as in art or literature — a lambent essay, for example, makes a heavy topic lighter and more enjoyable.



- Light as a feather = extremely lightweight or effortless.

- Light fingers = a tendency to steal or pickpocket.

- Light purse = having little money.

- Light reading = easy, entertaining literature.

- Light sleeper = someone who wakes easily.

- Light on one's feet = graceful or nimble.

- Light the fuse = to start a chain of events, often confrontational.

- Light years ahead = far more advanced or progressive.

- Light a fire under someone = to motivate or urge someone to action.

- Light as gossamer = delicate and insubstantial.

- Light as a soap bubble = fragile and temporary.

- Light the way = to provide guidance or leadership.



ablaze, afire, aglow, alight, ardent, beaming, blazing, blooming, bright, brilliant, burning, candent, candescent, dazzling, effulgent, electric, enkindled, fervent, fiery, flaming, flushed, gleaming, glistening, glittering, ignited, illuminated, incandescent, irradiated, kindled, LAMBENT, lit up, lucent, luminescent, luminous, lustrous, on fire, phosphorescent, radiant, red-hot, refulgent, resplendent, rosy, ruddy, scintillating, shimmering, shining, shining brightly, shining like a beacon, smoldering, sparkling, twinkling, vivid, warm, white-hot


SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

“Metaphorically, LAMBENT is like a stone skipping across still water, or fingers dancing lightly over piano keys.”

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Paul & Helga Smith

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