
an emotion


frisson = Schauer, Schauder, Nervenkitzel (ein plötzliches Gefühl der Aufregung oder Angst)



“A feeling of 'FRISSON' can be elicited by the music of artists as disparate as Johnny Cash, Metallica, Céline Dion, and Mozart. One possible explanation for the phenomenon is that it results from a violation of expectations. Regardless of the ultimate cause, music and ‘FRISSON’ are so powerful because they remind us what it is like to be alive."

Sam Gilberg — BIG THINK (22nd August 2023)

“In this video for A Sensory World, we explore the phenomenon of FRISSON, the sudden rush of goosebumps that some people experience when listening to an emotive piece of music.”

Greg Dukes — BBC Documentary (25 November 2022)

Did you


- a sudden strong feeling of excitement or fear; a thrill

- a brief moment of emotional excitement

- a shudder or shiver, as of excitement, fear, or pleasure

Oxford Languages / Merriam-Webster / Collins Dictionary


The word "frisson" is of French origin, where it can mean "fever, illness, shiver, or thrill". This French term was borrowed into English in 1777 by British politician Horace Walpole, who used it to describe a general "emotional thrill".

The French word frisson itself was borrowed in the twelfth century from the Latin verb frigere, which means "to be cold" and is also the source of the English word "frigid".

In English, the word "frisson" is used to describe a sudden feeling, especially of excitement or fear. It can be a thrilling shiver, and its meaning lies directly between thrill and fear.


“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.” ― Ambrose Bierce


“Amused to Death” by Roger Waters always gives me the shivers!

Do you have a favourite frisson? We'd love to hear it, drop us a line at: paulsmith.psa(AT)


aesthetic chill, buzz, charge, chill, delicious tremor, delight, emotional flicker (shiver), FRISSON (of excitement, of fear), funny feeling, goosebumps, gooseflesh, hair-raising tingle, intimations (of), jolt, keen thrill, kick, momentary thrill, pleasurable shiver (tension), quickening (of the pulse), rush, shiver of excitement, spark, tickle, thrill (of excitement), shivers down the spine, spine-tingling, the shivers, tingle-down-the-spine, thrill, tingle of excitement, tremor, vibration

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation, say something like:

“I’m making my way through a Spotify playlist of ‘715 songs to give you FRISSON’… it’s interesting to identify those that give one the shivers.”

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Thanks so much,

Paul Smith


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