
sleeping away from home


auch bekannt als “lateover", “sleep-under” ist eine Übernachtung, bei der nicht wirklich übernachtet wird. Die Kinder können immer noch in ihren Schlafanzügen kommen, Snacks essen, Filme ansehen und Spiele spielen - all diese lustigen Übernachtungsaktivitäten... nur wenn es Zeit ist, schlafen zu gehen, holen die Eltern die Kinder ab, damit sie zu Hause in ihrem eigenen Bett schlafen können.



“What are ‘SLEEPUNDERS’ and why do parents increasingly prefer them to classic childhood ‘sleepovers’?"

Erica Lamberg — Fox News (27th January 2024)

"Some parents, anxious about their child staying in someone else’s home, are choosing ‘SLEEPUNDERS’ — picking kids up just before bedtime — or even staying over with them."

Erin Sagen — The New York Times (11th January 2024)

Did you

sleepunder (sleep-under)
noun phrase

- a faux sleep-over party for kids who are still too young for an overnight. In this type of party, the kids are invited over in the evening to do all the usual slumber party activities, but their parents come and pick them up before bedtime.

- also known as a “late-over”, a sleep-under is a sleep-over, minus actually sleeping over! Kids can still show up in their pajamas, eat snacks, watch movies and play games, all those fun sleep-over activities… only when it’s time to go to sleep, parents will pick the kids up so that they can sleep in their own bed at home.

Parents(DOT)com / Upworthy(DOT)com


“Sleep-under” is a relatively recent term, with media articles around 2015 discussing it as an emerging new trend. It likely arose organically among parents seeking a compromise between sleep-overs and wanting their children to be home in their own beds at night.


Can you guess the English equivalents?

- Schlafmütze = Sleepy  h _ _ _

- Schlaf gut! = Sleep t _ _ _ _ !

- Wie ein Murmeltier schlafen = Sleep like a  l _ _

- Über Nacht darüber schlafen = Sleep  o _   i  _

- Unter freiem Himmel schlafen = Sleep  r _ _ _ _

- Sich auf seinem Erfolg ausruhen = Sleep on one's l _ _ _ _ _ _

*Answers below


- Humans spend approximately one-third of their life sleeping (Cats spend two-thirds).

- The record for the longest period without sleep: 18 days and 21 hours and 40 minutes by Robert McDonald, who stayed awake for 453 hours and 40 minutes in 1986.

- “Dysania” is the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning.

- “Parasomnia” is a term that refers to unnatural movements during your sleep.

- The sensation of falling when half asleep and jerking yourself awake is called “Hypnic Jerks”.

- 1 in 4 married couples in the UK sleep in separate beds.

- Within 5 minutes of waking up, 50% of a dream’s content is forgotten, after an additional 5 minutes, 90% is gone — some people counter this by writing a “dream diary” immediately upon awakening.

- The majority of people sleep in the foetal position for most of the night. This natural, curled-up posture can provide a sense of comfort and security, similar to the position a fetus takes in the womb. It can also help reduce heartburn and acid reflux by keeping the stomach in a better position. It can help alleviate back pain by taking pressure off the spine, and for those with sleep apnea, a feotal-like position can help prevent airway blockages and reduce snoring.

- Sleepwalking is more common in children with an estimated 5%, compared with 1.5% of adults. It’s a myth that you shouldn’t wake someone who is sleepwalking. Consultant neurologist Guy Leschziner describes the case of one of his patients, Jackie, who drove a motorbike for 20 minutes whilst asleep.

Sources: The Sleep Council, Cleveland Clinic, Sleep Health Foundation

*Quiz Answers: sleepy head, sleep tight, sleep like a log, sleep on it, sleep rough, sleep on one’s laurels

THANKS to Heidi for suggesting today’s OWAD.

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation, say something like:

"SLEEP-UNDER? More like wake-over if you ask me — those kids were bouncing off the walls!"

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Paul Smith

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