
determined, resolute


dogged (adjective) = hartnäckig, verbissen, beharrlich, zäh —— dogged determination = verbissene Entschlossenheit —— to dog (verb) = hartnäckig verfolgen



“The social responsibility concept has existed for over 30 years … various scholars made DOGGED attempts to define the concept, but they all ended up defining it according to their upbringing, interests, and experiences without arriving at any acceptable definition.”

Charles Effiong, et al — Business Perspectives (9th April 2024)

“Ukraine’s DOGGED resistance culminating in the lightning recapture of territory in the Kharkiv region has put the Kremlin on the back foot, forcing it to rush forward haphazardly with what has emerged as its plan B.”

Alissa de Carbonnel - The Guardian (29th September 2022)

Did you


- having or showing tenacity and grim persistence

- very determined to continue doing something, or trying to do something, even when this is difficult or takes a long time

Oxford Languages / Cambridge Dictionary / Merriam-Webster

*Pronunciation warning: when speaking, take care to stress the second part of this word “GGED” … “do-GGED”.


"Dogged", from Old English docga, was first recorded in 1275 and meant “having characteristics of a dog”. The adjective "dogged", meaning persistent or determined, may be related to the idea of dogs standing firm or being unyielding.


- Obstinate implies usually an unreasonable persistence (Dealing with an obstinate person can be incredibly frustrating.)

- Dogged suggests an admirable often tenacious and unwavering persistence (The journalist pursued the story with dogged perseverance.)

- Stubborn implies sturdiness in resisting change which may or may not be admirable (My stubborn refusal to give up eventually paid off.)

- Pertinacious means holding firmly to a belief, purpose or course of action in spite of counter influences or opposition. It suggests resolute persistence (The lawyer's pertinacious cross-examination eventually revealed the truth.)

- Mullish means stubbornly obstinate or intractable, likening the behaviour to that of a mule which is known for its obstinacy or resistance to guidance (Dealing with mullish opposition from the local authorities, the project faced numerous delays.)


Five examples of dogged determination:

1. J.K. Rowling: Before becoming the beloved author of the Harry Potter series, Rowling faced poverty, depression, and the death of her mother. She was a single mother on welfare when she began writing the first Harry Potter book, but she persisted through the rejections and hardships to ultimately achieve massive success.

2. Oprah Winfrey: Winfrey overcame a traumatic childhood of poverty, abuse, and teen pregnancy to become a media mogul and one of the most influential women in the world. She turned her early adversity into strength and compassion.

3. Nelson Mandela: Mandela spent 27 years in prison due to his political activism against apartheid. But he never gave up his fight for justice and equality, and went on to become the first black president of South Africa after being released.

4. Colonel Harland Sanders: The founder of KFC was 65 years old when he started the company, after a lifetime of failures and setbacks. He didn't let his age or previous struggles stop him from pursuing his dream.

5. Trakr: A German Shepherd police dog who played a crucial role in the search and rescue efforts at the World Trade Center after the 9/11 attacks. Despite the dangerous and chaotic conditions, Trakr persistently searched the rubble and was credited with finding the last survivor pulled from the wreckage.

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“DOGGED determination and a willingness to make and learn from mistakes are arguably the most important attributes for success in life."

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Paul Smith

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