a whiff

a smell


whiff = Hauch; Geruch, Duft



“Climate crisis brings WHIFF of danger to French perfume capital — When heatwaves used to hit the French town of Grasse, the perfume capital of the world, townspeople didn't water their flowers.”

Mélissa Godin — The Guardian (18th February 2023)

“Research Questions ‘WHIFF of Oxygen' on Ancient Earth - A new look at the rock record rules out previous findings of early atmospheric oxygen.”

David Hirsch — Dartmouth Edu (5th January 2022)

Did you


- a smell that is only smelt briefly or faintly

- a slight smell, carried on a current of air

Oxford Languages / The Cambridge Dictionary


The word "whiff" comes from the Old Norse word hvífla, which means "to go round in circles." It later appeared in Scots dialect as "whiff," referring to a quick puff or slight gust of wind. By the mid-16th century, it had also come to refer to a slight or brief smell. This sense has been further extended metaphorically in phrases like "a whiff of scandal".


- smell a rat: to suspect foul play or deceit.

- smell blood: to sense a weakness in an opponent.

- smell something fishy: to suspect that something is not right.

- smell like a brewery: to reek of alcohol, suggesting heavy drinking.

- come out smelling of roses: to emerge from a difficult situation with one's reputation intact.

- smells like teen spirit: a metaphor popularized by the Nirvana song, it generally refers to the rebelliousness of youth.

- stop and smell the roses: a metaphor urging one to take time to appreciate the good things in life.

- the sweet smell of success: the satisfaction of achieving a goal.


a hint of, air, an impression of, aroma, a suggestion of, a taste of, a touch of, bouquet, dash, emanation, fume, hint, indication, inkling, insinuation, intimation, miasma, noseful, nuance, odour, perfume, puff, redolence, savour, scent, smack, smell, sniff, suggestion, suspicion, tang, taste,  trace, trail, vestige, waft, WHIFF, whisper, wind, zephyr

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“It’s a bit stuffy in here — shall we step outside for a WHIFF of fresh air?”

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