yellow jacket

a type of wasp


yellow jackets [Am.] [coll.] = Wespen; ALSO, the recent yellow jackets movement [French: Mouvement des gilets jaunes] = Gelbwestenbewegung



"Mr. Barron.... sprayed hornet killer on the nest with his son. He said that just angered the YELLOW JACKETS, the highly aggressive wasps that live in such colonies. Mr. Barron was stung 11 times."

The New York Times

Did you

yellow jackets
noun phrase (US English)

- any of various small yellow-marked vespid wasps (especially genus Vespula) that commonly nest in the ground and can sting repeatedly and painfully

- slang : pentobarbital especially in a yellow capsule

Merriam-Webster Dictionary


Still awaiting entry in dictionaries, the "yellow vests movement" or "YELLOW JACKETS movement" is a populist, grassroots revolutionary political movement for economic justice that began in France in October 2018.


The first known use of "yellow jacket" was in 1796

The Western yellow jacket is often called the “meat bee” in the US because of its attraction to meat. They are not bees per se, but a kind of wasp.

Often seen around campsites and beer gardens, where yellow jackets compete with campers and beer drinkers.

Yellow jackets are extremely aggressive, both when foraging for food and when their nests are disturbed.


... and not wishing to bug you (excuse the double-pun) the word OWAD means "insect" in the Polish language:

Entomology meets etymology!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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