
a funny remark


wisecrack (noun) = Witzelei, witzige Bemerkung, geistreicher Witz —— to make a wisecrack = eine witzige Bemerkung machen —— wisecrack (verb) = witzeln, flachsen



“On Tuesday evening, hosting a ‘team-building’ dinner for ministers and Conservative MPs, he (Boris Johnson) even risked a WISECRACK at the expense of Tory MPs who had sent letters of no confidence in him to the 1922 Committee.”

Guardian Editorial — (30th March 2022)

Did you


- a witty remark or joke

- a clever or sarcastic remark

- a funny remark, especially one that criticizes someone

Oxford Languages / Merriam-Webster / Cambridge Dictionary /


"Wisecrack" is a term that emerged in American English around 1906. It refers to a clever or sarcastic remark, typically made in jest, often at the expense of someone else. From wise + crack in the sense of “boast".


Appropriately used, occasional wisecracks can lighten up a conversation, but beware! — they are typically delivered poker-faced and involve wordplay — thus not always easy for non-natives to understand.

Witty proverbs or one-liners can serve the same purpose — some examples:

- We are born naked, wet, and hungry. Then things get worse.

- It's a day for firm decisions! Or is it?

- Confucius say: I didn't say that!

- I was going to tell you a time-traveling joke, but you didn't like it.

- I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

- Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He will stop at nothing to avoid them.

- I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes... she gave me a hug.


affront, aphorism, backhanded compliment, badinage, banter, barb, buffoonery, burlesque, cajolery,  comeback, crack, cutting remark, derision, dig, dry humour, epigram, facetiousness, farce, flippancy,  gag, gibe, humour, irony, jab, japery, jape, jest, joke, josh, joshing, kidding, lampoon, mockery, one-liner, parody, parting shot, persiflage, pun, put down, quip, raillery, repartee, retort, rib, ribbing, ridicule, riposte, roast, sarcasm, satire, scoff, scorn, sly dig, snicker, snide remark, swipe, taunt, tease, teasing, waggery, WISECRACK, witticism, zinger.

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“Some people have a compulsion to make WISECRACKS continuously — it’s a rare medical condition called Witzelsucht."

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