
an expression of praise


paean = Lobrede, Lobgesang, Loblied, (Sieges-) Hymne, Tribut



“Sidney review – Poitier’s epic life story a PAEAN to charm, talent and heroism. Directed by Reginald Hudlin, this Oprah Winfrey-produced documentary is an eloquent rebuke to the ‘sellout’ narrative that bedevilled Poitier’s stellar career.”

Peter Bradshaw — The Guardian (11th September 2022)

Did you


- a paean is a piece of music, writing, or film that expresses praise, admiration, or happiness.

Collins Dictionary


The word "paean" has its origins in ancient Greece, from the Greek word paiān, which was used to refer to a hymn or song of praise. The term derived from the name of the Greek god of healing, Paian or Paeon, who was often invoked in songs or prayers for healing and deliverance from illness.

Over time, the term paiān expanded in meaning to encompass any song or expression of praise, gratitude, or triumph. Through the influence of ancient Greek culture, the word "paean" entered the English language in the 16th century, retaining its original sense of a fervent expression of joy, praise, or celebration, often used metaphorically to describe an enthusiastic tribute or tribute to someone or something.


George Burns professed great admiration for the card-game bridge. "It is a game that separates the men from the boys," he once declared. "It also separates husbands and wives."


a big thank you, acclaim, acclamation, accolade, acknowledgement, a debt of gratitude, admiration, adulation, a nod of approval, a pat on the back, applause, appreciation, appreciativeness, approval, a round of applause, a standing ovation, a tip of the hat, benediction, blue ribbon, bouquets, bravo, brownie points, cheers, citation, commendation, compliment, consideration, credence, credit, esteem, eulogy, exaltation, extolling, extolment, felicitations, giving credit where credit is due, glorification, gold star, gratitude, hat's off, hat tip, high five, high regard, homage, hymn of praise, indebtedness, kudos, laudation, merit, PAEAN, pat on the back, plaudit, praise, recognition, regard, respect, reverence, salutation, shout out, song of triumph, testimonial, thankfulness, tribute, two thumbs up, veneration

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“A heartfelt PAEAN on the retirement of long-serving employees is the least a company should do.”

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