
a person with a strong opinion, but no knowledge


ultracrepidarian = eine Person, die ihre Meinung zu Themen äußert, welche sich außerhalb ihres Fachwissens oder ihrer Kompetenz befinden



“Not only have I discovered a new word, but I believe I have discovered the perfect term to describe our entire (male) sex. ‘ULTRACREPIDARIANISM’. It’s a word that crops up in a book about behavioural economics, Think Like A Freak: How To Think Smarter About Almost Everything, by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner.”

Grant Feller - The Telegraph

Did you


- someone who has no special knowledge of a subject but who nevertheless expresses an opinion about it

The Cambridge Dictionary


The wonderful word ultracrepidarian can be traced back to Ancient Greece.

Apelles of Kos was a famous Greek painter and a contemporary of Philip II and Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC.

Apelles would put his pictures on public display and then stand out of sight so he could listen to viewers’ comments.

Legend tells that a shoemaker once criticized the painter for a sandal with one loop too few, which Apelles gladly corrected.

The shoemaker, emboldened by this acceptance of his views, then criticized the subject’s leg. To this Apelles is reported as replying that a shoemaker should stick to his shoes,… in other words, critics should only comment on matters they know something about.

In Latin: ne supra crepidam sutor iudicaret – “the cobbler should not judge beyond his shoe”

Nowadays, this saying can still be found in several languages:

- English “A cobbler should stick to his last”

- German „Schuster, bleib bei deinem Leisten”

- Spanish “Zapatero a tus zapatos”

- Dutch “Schoenmaker, blijf bij je leest”

- Danish “Skomager, bliv ved din læst”

- Polish “Pilnuj, szewcze, kopyta”


- a self-assertive and arrogant person

bigmouth, braggart, clever clogs, clever Dick, Mr know-it-all, know-all, smart aleck, smart-arse, smartie, smarty, smarty-boots, smarty-pants, someone speaking cobblers, swellhead, ULTRACREPIDARIAN, w(e)isenheimer, windbag, wiseacre, wise guy

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“Hey Martin, if someone calls you an ULTRACREPIDARIAN, you can be a smarty-pants and explain the origin of the word.”

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