kangaroo word

a word containing its own synonym


kangaroo word = ein Wort, das sein eigenes Synonym innerhalb des Wortes beinhaltet



“KANGAROO WORDS were originally popularized as a word game by Ben O’Dell in an article for The American Magazine, volume 151, during the 1950s, later reprinted in Reader’s Digest.”


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kangaroo word
noun phrase

- a word that contains its own synonym, with the letters to spell that synonym already placed in the correct order

Dictionary dot com


“Kangaroo word” is derived from the fact that kangaroos carry their young, known as "joeys", in a body pouch. Likewise, kangaroo words carry their "joey-words" within themselves. A “twin kangaroo word” is a kangaroo word that contains two joey-words (for example: container features both TIN and CAN).

The word kangaroo derives from the Australian Aboriginal language Guugu Yimidhirr word gangurru, referring to a grey kangaroo. The name was first recorded on 4 August 1770, by to-be Captain James Cook.

Kangaroo soon became adopted into standard English where it has come to mean any member of the family of kangaroos and wallabies. The word Kangaroo is said to be the first word in any Australian Aboriginal language uttered by a European, in this case Captain Cook.

Take care, the belief that gangurru means “I don’t understand” is a popular myth that is also applied to many other Aboriginal-sounding Australian words.


The word “chocolate” contains the correctly ordered letters spelling COCOA (the powder made from roasted, husked, and ground seeds of the cacao tree) which is used to make chocolate.

So, CHOCOLATE contains cocoa both in real life and in its word form.

Can you find the synonyms hidden in the following kangaroo words?

- blossoms

- charisma

- closemouthed

- deceased

- disappointed

- illuminated

- indefinitely

- isolated

- instructor

- masculine

- playfellow

(scroll down for answers)


- blossoms

- charisma

- closemouthed

- deceased

- disappointed

- illuminated

- indefinitely

- isolated

- instructor

- masculine

- playfellow

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“Hey Anna, how many KANGAROO WORDS can you spot in today’s OWAD quiz?”

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