That smarts

That’s painful


That smarts = Das tut weh, das zwickt



“Europe SMARTS as Elon Musk’s SpaceX wins key satellite deal. Launching a weather satellite with SpaceX and not Ariane 6 is a ‘surprising’ decision, said Josef Aschbacher, director general of the European Space Agency.”

Joshua Posaner — Politico (1st July 2024)

Did you


- to feel upset and angry because of failure or criticism

The Cambridge Dictionary


The word "smarts" (as in "that smarts," meaning "that hurts" or "that stings" is derived from the Old English verb smeortan, which meant "to sting, feel pain, or cause sharp pain”, and is related to the Old High German smerzan (meaning "to pain"), which is the root of the modern German schmerzen (to hurt).

Over time, it expanded to include emotional pain (e.g., "the smart of rejection") and even mental sharpness (e.g., "a smart remark"), possibly because both sharp pain and sharp intellect "cut" or "sting" in their own ways.


- That smarts = that’s painful, that hurts

- Smart money = money belonging to smart or clever people.

- Street smart = having intelligence, wisdom, and shrewdness in the ways of the real world, especially life in a city (i.e. "the streets").

- Look smart! =  Hurry up!  Be quick!

- Get smart with someone = to make disrespectful comments to someone

- Smart arse (ass) = one who is particularly flippant or insolent or tends to make snide remarks or jokes

- Smart as a whip = very smart (very intelligent)

- Smarty pants = to be really clever (used sarcastically)


barb, bite, burn, feel a sting (annoyed, offended, wounded), hurt, irk, irritate, jab, jar, jolt, lance, needle, nip, pain, pang, pierce, pinch, prick, scald, scorch, sear, seethe, sharp pain, singe, SMART, spike, stab, sting, wince, wound, zing

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“Without knowing the etymology, it’s almost impossible to understand how the verb ‘SMART’ can mean ‘feel pain’.”

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Paul, Helga, & Jenny Smith

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