
extra effort


supererogation = Mehrleistung, Übermaß, Leistung über das Geforderte hinaus



“The limits of duty and the limits of SUPEREROGATION. New publication in the Journal for Ethics and Moral Philosophy.”

Karoline Reinhardt — University of Passau (7th February 2024)

“Introducing ethical theory to the triple helix model: SUPEREROGATORY acts in crisis innovation. Drawing upon Heyd's ethical theory of SUPEREROGATION, this paper explores the behaviours that arise between university, industry, and government actors in response to the pressing need to develop medical innovations to address a global public health crisis.”

Steffan James, et al. — Technovation (August 2023)

Did you


- involving doing more than necessary

- the performance of more work than duty requires

- involving a good act that is in excess of what is morally or legally required

The Cambridge Dictionary, Oxford Languages


“Supererogation” originates from the Latin word supererogare, which means "to pay or perform beyond what is due." It is a compound of super- (meaning "above" or "beyond") and erogare (meaning "to pay out" or "to spend").

Erogare itself comes from ex- (out) and rogare (to ask or propose), originally referring to allocating public funds by formal request.

In Medieval Latin, supererogatio referred to acts or payments that exceeded obligations, often in a religious or moral context.

The word entered English in the 16th century, primarily through theological discussions. It was used to describe good deeds or moral acts that went beyond what was required by religious or moral law.

Today, "supererogation" retains the meaning of actions performed above and beyond what is expected, especially in moral or ethical contexts.


Which of the following statements do you find the most- and the least-interesting to discuss? Why?

- Make organ donations to strangers whilst we are still alive.

- Sue governments or corporations for failing to meet climate commitments or causing environmental harm.

- Businesses should give away 50% of profits to random corporate social responsibility initiatives.

- Psychological research suggests that witnessing supererogatory acts inspires similar behaviour in others ("moral elevation”).

- Some philosophers argue that true supererogation is impossible because we always have a duty to do what's best.


above and beyond, acts of grace (of merit), beyond the call of duty, discretionary action (good), exceeding expectations, extra credit (effort, mile), going above and beyond (the extra mile), gratuitous act, hitting the ball out of the park, lighting a beacon, more than duty (than required), over and above, rowing the boat upstream, selfless act, service beyond, SUPEREROGATION, surpassing duty, surplus to requirements, transcendent acts, voluntary action (contribution, effort, excess)

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“Concerning SUPEREROGATION, how do you feel about the ideas of suing governments or corporations for failing to meet climate commitments?”

P L E A S E   S U P P O R T   O W A D

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