broligarch = ein politisch einflussreicher männlicher Wirtschaftsmagnat, besonders im Technologiebereich (ein mächtiger Technologie-Tycoon)
“Some are calling Donald Trump's presidential inauguration the dawn of a new era in American politics, one that's influenced not just by elected officials, but also by men who've made fortunes in the tech industry. These men took the oath of office on live TV Monday − with some online commenters and media outlets dubbing them America's ‘BROLIGARCHS’. ”
Charles Trepany — USA Today (23rd January 2025)
“Full American democracy is barely 60 years old, yet seems to be in an advanced state of cognitive decline. At his inauguration yesterday, Donald Trump seated the tech bosses, his nerd BROLIGARCHY, in front of his supposed cabinet.”
Marina Hyde — The Guardian (21st January 2025)
- a politically influential male tycoon, particularly one involved in technology
Collins Dictionary
The term "broligarch" is a recent addition to the English lexicon, combining the words "bro” and "oligarch" to create a new concept that reflects a specific type of powerful individual in modern society.
“Bro”, a colloquial term for "brother," often used to refer to a male friend or a man in general, particularly one who embodies stereotypical masculine traits.
“Oligarch” from Greek oligarkhia (government by the few), oligos (few) + arkhein (to rule).
The combination of these words creates a term that describes a specific type of powerful individual, typically associated with the tech industry and exhibiting certain masculine characteristics.
The concept first appeared in social media and alternative press, particularly on Twitter, as early as 2009. By December 2014, the term appeared in blog posts, defined as a power structure controlled by a small number of "bros”.
Around 2018, the term began to be specifically associated with Silicon Valley and tech entrepreneurs, often with a connotation of toxic masculinity. The term gained wider recognition in July 2024, following Donald Trump's selection of J.D. Vance as his running mate.
Today, "broligarch" typically refers to:
- A politically influential male tycoon, particularly one involved in technology.
- A member of a small group of men who control a political or power structure, often associated with toxic masculinity
- Specifically in the tech industry, it describes wealthy male entrepreneurs who use their fortune and status to influence government policies
- Post-Soviet Russia: closely tied to Vladimir Putin and dominated by male oligarchs who amassed wealth and power through privatization in the 1990s.
- United States: A group of tech billionaires, including Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Peter Thiel, have gained significant influence in politics, particularly under Donald Trump’s administration. They advocate for deregulation, crypto dominance, and policies that marginalize women’s roles in public life.
- Hungary: Viktor Orbán’s government centralizes power within a male-dominated elite, blending authoritarianism with traditionalist values.
- Georgia: Oligarch Bidzina Ivanishvili has maintained control through alliances and repressive laws, undermining democratic institutions.
Historical examples of broligarchies—male-dominated oligarchies—include:
- Ancient Sparta: governed by a militaristic elite of male citizens, excluding women, slaves, and foreigners from power.
- Athens under the Thirty Tyrants: a short-lived oligarchy (404–403 BCE) led by 30 men who ruled oppressively after Sparta’s victory in the Peloponnesian War.
alpha geek, big tech boss, boardroom baron, boy king, brogrammer-in-chief, BROLIGARCH, crypto king, digital baron, digital czar, digital mogul, dot-com don, e-baron, geek god, male tech mogul, nerd nobility, silicon sultan, tech baron (boss, bro, czar, emperor, king, lord, magnate, mogul, overlord, patriarch, potentate, prince, titan, tycoon), technopreneur
SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:
“As the BROLIGARCHY gains political influence, serious concerns grow about their ability to shape policies that benefit their interests at the expense of the general public.”
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