
stylish, posh


swanky = mondän, elegant, schick, todschick; angeberisch, protzig, grosskotzig, prahlerisch



“Ibai, London EC1: ‘A SWANKY restaurant that lacks any pomposity’ – restaurant review. I developed a soft spot for the place even before I’d finished my first drink.”

Grace Dent — The Guardian (30th August 2024)

“The e-commerce goliath (Amazon) agreed to back Saks Fifth Avenue’s deal to buy rival SWANKY department store operator Neiman Marcus at the same time it’s considering a competitor to bargain clothing vendors Shein and Temu.”

Jennifer Saba — Reuters (11th July 2024)

Did you


- very expensive and fashionable, in a way that is intended to attract people's attention and admiration

- ostentatious or pretentious

Cambridge Dictionary, American Heritage Dictionary


The etymology of "swanky" is closely related to the word swank which can be traced back to the Middle High German verb swank meaning "to sway”. The meaning evolved from the physical act of swaying to a more figurative sense of swaggering or strutting.

The earliest evidence for "swanky" in English dates back to 1842, appearing in a glossary by John Akerman.

Over time, swanky has retained its association with luxury and style but can also carry a slightly critical tone, suggesting something flashy or overly extravagant.


When Too Much is Never Enough

But what exactly does it mean to be swanky in today's world? It's more than just wearing designer labels or driving luxury cars. It's an attitude, a lifestyle that screams, "Look at me!" while pretending not to care if anyone's watching. It’s not just wearing a suit; it’s wearing the suit.

Interestingly, the concept of swankiness isn't confined to the modern era. Ancient Egyptians, in elaborate kilts, and Romans in flowing togas, were arguably the original swanky dressers, believing that clothing wasn't just about covering up – it was about making a statement.

Fast forward to today, and the term has semantically shifted into something slicker, shinier, and just a bit suspect. Swanky is the velvet-rope world of exclusive nightclubs, penthouse apartments, and $100 martinis. It dazzles, but it doesn’t necessarily feel authentic.

Swanky walks a fine line, but the best part of it is watching how far it can push that line before it snaps.

Paul & Helga Smith


all show/style and no substance, all that glitters, attention-grabbing, blingy, boastful, brazenly posh, conspicuous, dapper, dressed to the nines, extravagant, flamboyant, flashy, garish, gaudy, gilded, glitzy, high-falutin', high-flown, hoity-toity, in-your-face, la-di-da, loud, not for the faint of wallet, ostentatious, over-the-top, peacocky, pretentious, put on the ritz, quite the to-do, razzle-dazzle, ritzy, schmancy, snazzy, splashy, SWANKY, the cat's meow, toffee-nosed, too cool for school, uppity, vainglorious

THANKS to Thialda for suggesting today’s OWAD.

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

"He wore a SWANKY suit, but his tie was trying way too hard to be the star of the show."

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Paul & Helga Smith

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