
a small amount, a drop


soupçon = Prise, Anflug, Hauch (Spur, Andeutung), Messerspitze



“For now, considering what’s happening in the US, in Russia and in France, maybe we can give a SOUPÇON of credit to our system of government.”

The Civil Servant - The Guardian (12th July 2024)

“Whenever I’m researching a new dish, I always look to come up with something that’s as familiar as possible, but with the animal produce removed. The trick, I find, is to replace it with an element that gives the same protein and umami satisfaction you get from meat. These two dishes are a lighthearted interpretation of the original with a SOUPÇON of added Frenchness, because, well, I’m French.”

Alexis Gauthier - The Guardian (8th January 2022)

Did you


- a very small quantity of something

- pinch of, a touch of, a dash of, a hint of

Oxford Languages, Collins Dictionary


The word "soupçon" has an interesting etymology that traces back to the French soupçon, which means "a suspicion" or "a slight trace or suggestion”. This, in turn, derives from the Old French sospeçon, meaning "suspicion, worry, anxiety".

The earliest known use of "soupçon" in English dates back to 1766, in the writings of Horace Walpole, an English author and politician.

In English, "soupçon" has now come to mean "a very small amount, a hint, or a trace", carrying with it a sense of something so slight that it might only be suspected or barely noticed, much like its original connotation of suspicion.


In a world that often celebrates the loud and the obvious, "soupçon" underlines the power of understatement. It invites us to pause and appreciate the barely-there, to see beauty in the smallest detail.

Perhaps, in the end, it's not only grand gestures, but the soupçons of life that provide true meaning – those subtle signals that, like the meaning of the word itself, leave an impression far greater than their size would suggest.

Paul Smith


atom, barely any, bissel, bit, bite-sized, bobbin, crumb, dab, dash, dribble, drizzle, drop, droplet, dusting, fragment, glimmer, grain, hair, hint, hint of, iota, itty-bitty, jot, lick, like an apple of gold in a field of silver, little, mere suggestion, mite, modicum, morsel, nip, particle, pinch, scintilla, scrap, scruple, shade, shred, small bit, small quantity, smidge, smidgen, snippet, SOUPÇON, spark, speck, spot, sprinkle, sprinkling, suspicion of, tad, taste, teensy bit, thimbleful, tidbit, tinge, tiny amount, tittle, touch, trace, wee bit, whiff, whit

SMUGGLE OWAD into a sentence. Say something like:

“The best presentations have at least a SOUPÇON of humour to keep the audience engaged.”

THANKS to Florian for suggesting today’s OWAD.

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(OWAD Founder)

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