
a temporary stay


sojourn = der Aufenthalt --- GOOGLE INDEX sojourn: approximately 8,500,000 Google hits



Many more Rastafarians come to Ethiopia on holiday, either for a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage or for regular SOJOURNS.

(BBC News)

It is a common saying and in everybody's mouth that life is but a SOJOURN.


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- a short period when a person stays in a particular place


- to stay in a particular place for a short period

(Cambridge Dictionary)

The word sojourn comes to us from the Latin "subdiurnare" (sub = under + diurnis = relating to a day) by way of the French "sojorner," to stay or dwell for a period of time. Sojourn and journey are related through the common French root "jour," meaning day.

Sojourn is usually applied in the literal sense of the word, such as when a person takes a trip somewhere. A holiday is a sojourn, although with the purpose of relaxing and getting away from work or the daily routine. An overnight business trip or a weekend to visit family is also a sojourn. Even a relatively longer stay, such as studying abroad for several months, is considered a sojourn.

Sojourn can also be used in a figurative sense to describe when a person temporarily becomes involved or interested in something different or tries out something new (His brief sojourn into politics ended when he failed to get elected to the city council).


layover, stay, stopover, visit

SMUGGLE OWAD into today's conversation

"Did you enjoy your sojourn to the mountains?"

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