smirting = das Flirten beim Tabakkonsum vor Gebäuden wie Büros oder Restaurants, in denen ein Rauchverbot gilt
Travel across London on a warm day, and you see SMIRTING happening everywhere: on the pavements and street corners outside bars, pub and clubs…
The Bachelor Cookbook
- socializing in a romantic way whilst smoking outside a place such as a bar, restaurant etc, where smoking is prohibited or illegal.
MacMillan Dictionary
Smirting, the practice of smoking and flirting, became news headlines in New York in 2003 and spread to the Republic of Ireland in 2004 when an aggressive smoking ban in public places was enacted.
Smirting has been so popular that sometimes non-smokers try to mingle with smirters, sometimes resulting in non-smokers also starting to smoke.
Sociologist and sexologist Pepper Schwartz claims that the smirters are "defiant and angry, they don't accept the second-hand smoke argument, and want to share this resentment with others."
When are forced outside, smokers form strong bonds in what is essentially an exile community, but with romantic rewards. One study found that 25% of Irish couples who had started a relationship had met while smoking outside.