scintilla = Fünkchen —— not a scintilla of [remorse, truth, etc.] = nicht das geringste bisschen [Reue, Wahrheit usw.]
“But neither Ukraine nor Russia has abandoned hopes for victory; both still believe they can prevail. ... (and) … Not a SCINTILLA of evidence suggests that the leaders in Kyiv and Moscow are starting to realize that victory will prove elusive, no matter the effort expended.”
Rajan Menon - The Guardian (8th August 2023)
“(Forums) provide a rare opportunity for global leaders to build trust in bilateral meetings on the sidelines. And, for ASEAN, a SCINTILLA of influence is preferable to none at all.”
Banyan - The Economist (1st September 2016)
- a very small amount of something
- a minute amount; hint, trace, or particle
Cambridge Dictionary / Collins Dictionary
Scintilla comes directly from Latin, where it carries the meaning of "spark" — that is, a bright flash such as you might see from a burning ember. In English, however, our use of "scintilla" is restricted to the figurative sense of "spark" — a hint or trace of something that barely suggests its presence.
The Latin scintilla is related to the verb scintillare which means "to sparkle" and is responsible for our verb "scintillate" meaning "to sparkle or gleam” (literally or figuratively).
1. Atom = an extremely small amount or trace of something. Suggests the smallest possible quantity.
2. Crumb = a tiny, insignificant piece or amount of something. Implies something small broken off from a larger whole.
3. Dab = a small amount of something, often applied with the fingertip. Suggests a light, delicate touch.
4. Dash = a very small amount of something added to something else. Implies a quick, brief addition.
5. Drop = an extremely small quantity or amount of liquid. Suggests a single, isolated unit.
6. Flash = a brief, momentary appearance or glimpse of something. Implies a quick, fleeting instance.
7. Hint = a slight indication or suggestion of something. Suggests a subtle, indirect reference.
8. Iota = an extremely small amount or degree of something. Implies the smallest possible unit or trace.
9. Mite = a tiny, insignificant amount or piece of something. Suggests something minuscule or negligible.
10. Modicum = a small, moderate amount of something. Implies a limited, but sufficient, quantity.
11. SCINTILLA = represents the absolute smallest, most trace quantity or degree of something.
"Scintilla" is even smaller than an "atom", more minuscule than a "crumb", smaller than a "dab" or a "dash", less than a "drop", more fleeting than a "flash", more subtle than a "hint", even tinier than an "iota", more negligible than a "mite", and much less than a "modicum".
In short, "scintilla" represents the absolute smallest, most infinitesimal trace-quantity or degree of something even smaller than that suggested by other common synonyms.
ace, atom, bit, crumb, dab, dash, dram, driblet, drop, flash, glimmer, hint, iota, lick, little, mite, modicum, nip, only the slightest amount, ounce, particle, peanuts, ray, SCINTILLA, shadow, shred, smack, smidgen, smidge, spark, spec, splash, spot, sprinkling, streak, tad, tiny touch (trace)
SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation, say something like:
“I don’t have the faintest SCINTILLA of an idea about that — just ask Toby — he’s our go-to person in these matters.”
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