have someone’s back

to protect someone


to have someone’s back = jdm. den Rücken freihalten (bereit, jdm zu beschützen)



I HAVE YOUR BACK, Rishi Sunak tells farmers at NFU conference. Sunak becomes first PM to address conference since Gordon Brown in 2008, as Tories court farming sector.”

Helena Horton — The Guardian (20th February 2024

“The White House has not indicated what it will do if justices strike down its proposal. Mr Biden said Monday he is "confident the legal authority to carry out that plan is there. I promise you: ‘I HAVE YOUR BACK’.”

Sam Cabral — BBC News, Washington DC (28th February 2023)

Did you

to have (got) someone’s back

- be ready to protect or defend someone, physically or literally, especially from multiple and/or unseen attackers

- expressing support and/or loyalty to another person

The Cambridge Dictionary

Usage: Informal spoken or written general British and American English — often used by military and police and competitive situations requiring teamwork


In ancient combat, soldiers would fight with their backs against each other to protect each other from attack from the rear. The expression was first recorded in English in 1685–95.

The phrase in its modern sense came about after World War II in the second half of the 20th century, and since then has become widely used.


- “I’ll cover you.”

- “I’ll stand by you.”

- “I’m here for you.”

- “I’m in your corner”

- “I’m just a call away.”

- “You can rely on me.”


- “I’m right behind you.”

- “You’re not alone in this.”

- “You have my full support.”

- “I’ll make sure you’re covered.”

- “You can count on me, no matter what.”

- “Let me know if you hit any roadblocks.”

- “Don't worry, I'll handle it if things go south.”

- “Keep me posted, I’m ready to jump in whenever needed.”


“In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity we know our friends." — John Churton Collins

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." — Walter Winchell

“True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart." — Helen Keller


afford sanctuary, buttress, care for, cover, cradle, cushion, defend, guard, HAVE SOMEONE’S BACK, look out for, protect, safeguard, shield, take under one's wing, watch over

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation, say something like:

“Don’t worry if you can’t make the meeting on time, I HAVE YOUR BACK with our powerpoint presentation.”

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Thanks so much,

Paul Smith


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