


unverschämt, abscheulich, ungeheuerlich, unerhört, empörend, haarsträubend [skandalös], ausgefallen, unmöglich [z. B. Kleidung], himmelschreiend; Why, that's outrageous! = Das ist ja fürchterlich!



"Sadly, these virtues did not prevent it from charging OUTRAGEOUS prices for its insulin in America, leading to lawsuits and congressional inquiries."

The Economist

"To be, or not to be--that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of OUTRAGEOUS fortune..."

William Shakespeare - Hamlet

Did you


- shocking and morally unacceptable

- shocking in a way that is highly strange or unusual

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary


The present day sense of outrageous, and the noun outrage, is often associated with rage, as if the word were formed from out + rage. In fact, outrage is borrowed from the French outrage (outré = beyond + -age = age), which referred to violent behaviour, excess or extravagance (around 1300).

Outrageous is also used as a superlative in the adverb form "outrageously." Something can be outrageously funny, expensive, good, rude, successful or big, like Texas for instance. They say everything is big down there; cattle, oilrigs, steaks, ten-gallon hats. But if you believe the 60s rock legend and flower child Janis Joplin, herself a native of Texas, it’s not the place for outrageous people:

"Texas is okay if you want to settle down and do your own thing quietly, but it's not for outrageous people, and I was always outrageous."


(morally unacceptable)
abominable, atrocious, barbaric, beastly, brazen, contemptible, corrupt, criminal, debasing, debauching, degenerate, depraving, disgraceful, egregious, horrendous, horrible, ignoble, malevolent, monstrous, nefarious, notorious, odious, offensive, opprobrious, scandalous, scurrilous, shameless, shocking, sinful, unbearable, ungodly, uncivilized, unspeakable, villainous, violent, wanton, wicked

(highly unusual)
crazy, excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, immoderate, inordinate, preposterous, too much, unconscionable, ungodly, unholy

Practice OWAD in a conversation today:

"His behaviour during the meeting was OUTRAGEOUS. I think his days in this company are numbered."

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