
a small problem


hiccup (fig.) = eine zeitweilige bzw. kleinere Störung, ein kleines Problem: hiccup (med.) = der Schluckauf



Any quality problems, production HICCUPS or customer doubts about aluminum could slow sales and hurt Ford's profit.

(Seattle Times)

Wilder said early HICCUPS are to be expected in any major technology rollout, and the iPad initiative was no exception.

(Washington Times)

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- a problem that delays or interrupts something for a while, but does not usually cause serious difficulties (figurative sense)

(Cambridge Dictionary)

The word hiccup is imitative of the sound one makes when the diaphragm — the muscle that separates your chest from your abdomen and plays an important role in breathing — involuntarily contracts. Each contraction is followed by a sudden closure of your vocal cords, which produces the characteristic "hic" sound.

The medical term for hiccup is "singultus," Latin for a sob (heavy crying) or speech that is interrupted by a sob. It is also know medically under the complicated-sounding term "synchronous diaphragmatic flutter" or SDF.

Impress your friends with that one the next time you have a bout of hiccups:

"Sorry, but I can't seem to get rid of this synchronous diaphragmatic flutter!"

Hiccup is occasionally written as "hiccough" (hic + cough) under the mistaken impression that hiccups have something to do with coughing.

Because the hiccups (the plural is common since it's rare to experience only one hiccup) usually last only a few minutes, the word is used in a figurative sense to describe a minor problem or obstacle.


bug, glitch, hitch, malfunction, minor problem, setback

Practice OWAD in conversation today

say something like:

"Apart from a few HICCUPS in the beginning, the project ran very smoothly."

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