
complicated language which is hard to understand


gobbledygook = Geschwafel, Kauderwelsch, Papierdeutsch, schwülstiger Amtsstil, Amtsgeschwurbel, Fachchinesisch, Gestammel



How Economic GOBBLEDYGOOK Divides Us - Alienation between haves and have-nots is made worse by the willful impenetrability of financial jargon.

The New York Times

A councillor has apologised for the local government GOBBLEDYGOOK in a questionnaire about changes to school bus services.

BBC News

Did you

gobbledygook (informal)

- language that sounds important and official but is difficult to understand

Cambridge Dictionary

The creator of this classic Americanism was Texas congressman Maury Maverick. When asked how he came up with the word, Maverick wrote in 1944:

"Perhaps I was thinking of the old bearded turkey gobbler back in Texas who was always gobbled gobbling and strutting with ludicrous pomposity. At this end of this gobble there was sort of a gook." Maverick was referring to the sound a turkey makes while it walks around.

The congressman defined the term as "talk or writing which is long, vague, pompous and involved Latinized words. It is also talk or writing which is merely long, even though the words are fairly simple, with repetition over and over again, all of which could have been said in a few words."

In 1975, the Washington Star began a series called "Gobbledygook" which regularly exposed and ridiculed government prose. U.S. President Jimmy Carter then sort of made the word official by using it in his first State of the Union address:

"We have made good progress on turning the gobbledygook of federal regulations into plain English that the people can understand, but we still have a long way to go."

(adapted from William Safire’s Political Dictionary)


Speaking or writing unintelligible, impenetrable, obscure language; jargon, gibberish, claptrap, nonsense, rubbish, balderdash, blather, mumbo jumbo, drivel, rot, tripe, hogwash, baloney, bilge, bosh, bull, bunk, guff, eyewash, piffle, twaddle, poppycock, phooey, hooey, malarkey, cobblers, codswallop, stuff and nonsense, double Dutch, tosh, cack, bunkum, tommyrot, VULGAR: shit, bullshit, horseshit, crap, cock, bollocks, balls

Practice OWAD in a conversation today, say something like:

"How many of us bother to read the legal GOBBLEDYGOOK that digital service providers require us to accept?"

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