
manipulating somebody psychologically


gaslighting = jemanden an seiner Wahrnehmung der Realität zweifeln zu lassen



“Trump, and the history of political GASLIGHTING… the history of political GASLIGHTING and its current place in America’s broken political debate.”

Alfie Eltis - Varsity Newspaper 7th February 2022

Did you


- the action of tricking or controlling someone by making them believe things that are not true, especially by suggesting that they may be mentally ill

- to make someone question their reality

Cambridge Dictionary / Merriam-Webster


Gaslighting is derived from the 1944 film Gaslight, which is a story about a husband who uses trickery to convince his wife that she is mentally unwell in order to steal from her.

Gaslighting was largely an obscure or esoteric term until the mid-2010s, when it started to become mainstream. According to the American Psychological Association, the term “once referred to manipulation so extreme as to induce mental illness or to justify commitment of the gaslighted person to a psychiatric institution but is now used more generally”. The term is now simply defined as “to make someone question their reality”.

The American Dialect Society recognized gaslight as the most useful new word-of-the-year in 2016. Oxford University Press named gaslighting as a runner-up in their list of the most popular new words of 2018.

SYNONYMS for obtaining, arranging, or achieving by deceitful methods or by trickery

bamboozling, beguiling, conning, contriving, deceiving, deluding, doing a number on, duping, entrapping, finagling, fooling, GASLIGHTING, hoaxing, hoodwinking, leading up the garden path, misleading, manipulating, playing games, pulling a fast one on, setting up, snookering, stage-managing, stringing along, suckering, sucking in, swaying, taking for a ride, trapping, tricking, twisting around your little finger, wangling

SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:

“Nowadays, it’s interesting to observe GASLIGHTING happening at a group level in social media, politics, business, and even in the sciences.”

THANKS to Jana for suggesting today’s OWAD.

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