that's fetching

that's attractive


fetching = bezaubernd, attraktiv, reizend, entzückend, gewinnend, einnehmend



Rosanne Cash, the eminently cool daughter of Johnny Cash, is a FETCHING singer-songwriter in her own right.

New York Times

The simplest involves wrapping the sari around three times, slightly higher each time to form a layered skirt - the end is then wrapped around the neck like a scarf... or tied into a FETCHING bow.

BBC News

Did you


- very attractive, charming

American Heritage Dictionary


The adjective fetch stems from the verb "to fetch," meaning to go get something or someone and bring the thing or person back (Go fetch me a cup of coffee). Fetch in turn derives from the Old English feccan, which is apparently a variant of fetian/fatian (to bring near, bring back, obtain, induce).

Fetian is likely from the Proto-Germanic fetan, which has cognates in Old Frisian and Old Norse, as well as the German "fassen," meaning to grasp, touch. Fetian is ultimately from the Proto-Indo-European "ped," the verbal root of walk and foot.

In the late 1600s, fetching evolved as an adjective meaning "crafty, clever." The sense of alluring, fascinating, attractive first appeared in the 1880s.

Fetch is also a noun that refers to a supernatural double or apparition of a living person in Irish folklore. It is similar to the German Doppelgänger and sightings are regarded as omens, usually for impending death.

The origin of the term is unclear, but may stem from the verb fetch in the sense of "fetching" the souls of the dying.


attractive, appealing, adorable, beautiful, sweet, winsome, pretty, lovely, delightful, charming, pleasing, prepossessing, captivating, enchanting, fascinating, enticing; sexy, alluring, seductive, ravishing, desirable, irresistible; INFORMAL: divine, heavenly, tasty, hot, fanciable, easy on the eye, smashing, cute, bonny, foxy

Practice OWAD in a conversation today, and make someone* a compliment:

"Amanda, that's a FETCHING outfit you're wearing today."

*commonly used only with females.

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