
buddy, friend


crony = Busenfreund; Spießgeselle; Kumpan



 “The carousel of CRONIES he's (Boris Johnson) tried to put through completely undermines the House of Lords,” said Angela Rayner, Labour's deputy leader."

George Parker - The Financial Times (13th June 2023)

“In India, ‘CRONY capitalism' is on the rise. The meteoric ascent of billionaire Gautam Adani, who is close to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is bad news for a country facing growing inequality.”

Julien Bouissou — Le Monde (15th September 2022)

Did you

noun — (informal, disapproving)

- a trusted companion or partner in a criminal organization

- a friend, or a person who works for someone in authority, especially one who is willing to give and receive dishonest help

Wiktionary / Cambridge Dictionary


"Crony" originated in the 1660s, as a Cambridge University slang term meaning “a close friend or companion” — probably derived from the Greek word khronios (χρόνιος), meaning "long-lasting," from khronos,  "time” — thus “crony” is “a longtime friend”.

Over time, "crony" has taken on more negative connotations. Today, “cronyism” is often used to refer to friends one rewards with, for example, political favours, irrespective of their qualifications. This is in contrast to a meritocracy, in which appointments are made based on merit.


Because jobs and resources are allocated based on relationships rather than merit or competence, cronyism hampers innovation and economic development. In politics, it leads to corruption and a lack of trust in government.

Being tied to social networks and personal relationships, Cronyism is a challenging to address. Solutions require not only legal and regulatory measures, but also a cultural shift towards transparency, accountability, and fairness. A good thing about the digital age, with its increased demand for transparency, is that it’s possible for ordinary citizens to hold those in power accountable, making the fight against cronyism more feasible than ever before.


accessory, accomplice, affiliate, ally, amigo, associate, auxiliary, bedfellow, best buddy, bosom buddy (friend), buddy, co-conspirator, collaborator, colluder, compadre, confederate, CRONY, fellow traveler (worker), henchman, intimate, main man, partner (in crime), right-hand man/woman, second, sidekick, wingman

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“Seeing CRONIES receiving favours, people lose confidence in their institutions."

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