eine Person, die davon besessen ist, alles unter Kontrolle zu halten
"Steve Jobs is a control freak - Steve Jobs is very predictable. Unfortunately, it seems like Mr. Jobs learned the wrong lesson from the NeXT failure. Now he wants total control. Apple's chances of survival would be much greater if Jobs would allow small, independent Mac stores to flourish."
(Message posted on MacWorld by JS on 10 April 2001)
Did you know?
Did you know?
Although the term "control freak" is fairly new in English, the word "freak" has been around since 1563. Here are its 3 main meanings:
1 a : a sudden and odd or seemingly pointless idea or turn of the mind b : a seemingly capricious action or event
2 : one that is markedly unusual or abnormal: as a : a person or animal with a physical oddity who appears in a circus sideshow b : slang (1) : a sexual deviate (2) : a person who uses an illicit drug c : HIPPIE d : an atypical postage stamp usually caused by a unique defect in paper (as a crease) or a unique event in the manufacturing process (as a speck of dirt on the plate) that does not produce a constant or systematic effect
3 : an ardent enthusiast, film freaks, computer freaks