
a morally questionable economic or political system based on personal relations and obligations


clientelism = Klientelismus, Patronage, Gruppeninteressen orientierte Politik



Voter turnout can be as low as 30 percent, so seats can be won or lost by a handful of votes — a situation that easily leads to patronage and CLIENTELISM.

(New York Times)

Berlusconi grew up, like all other businessmen, in the corrupt system of CLIENTELISM on which Italy was run in the post-war years.

(The Guardian)

Did you


- a political or economic system based on personal relations rather than personal merits


Clientelism is a relationship between individuals with unequal economic and social status ("the boss" and his "clients") that involves the exchange of goods and services based on a personal link that is generally perceived as a moral obligation.

The word stems from the Italian "clientelismo," which means a patronage system (patronage is defined as the power to control appointments to office or the right to privileges).

It's a phenomenon that has occurred in many different social contexts over the course of history, such as between patricians and the people who did their dirty work for them in ancient Rome, between lords and their serfs in feudal times or between large landowners and peasants in numerous rural communities.

The modern form of clientelism is found in many developing regions. Powerful and rich patrons promise to provide relatively powerless and poor "clients" with jobs, protection, infrastructure, and other benefits in exchange for votes and other forms of loyalty, including labour. The relationship is often exploitative and can result in the clients feeling permanently indebted. For this reason, it's often corrupt and unfair.

(adapted from the Encyclopaedia Britannica and Wordnik)

Practice OWAD in a conversation today, say something like:

"CLIENTELISM is the way of life in many countries."

Thanks to Ron for suggesting today's word!

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