clean meat

lab grown, synthetic meat


clean meat = In-vitro-Fleisch, Kunstfleisch



"Most Americans will happily try eating lab-grown 'CLEAN MEAT' ”

The Fast Company

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clean meat
noun phrase

Clean meat — also known as lab-grown, in vitro, cultured meat — is meat that is grown in cell culture, rather than in an animal's body.


Cultured meat is produced using many of the same tissue engineering techniques traditionally used in regenerative medicine. The concept of cultured meat was popularized by Jason Matheny in the early 2000s after co-authoring a seminal paper on cultured meat production and creating New Harvest, the world’s first non-profit organization dedicated to supporting in vitro meat research.

In 2013, Mark Post, professor at Maastricht University, was the first to showcase a proof-of-concept for in-vitro lab grown meat by creating the first lab-grown burger patty. Since then, several cultured meat prototypes have gained media attention: however, because of limited dedicated research activities, cultured meat has not yet been commercialized.

In addition, it has yet to be seen whether consumers will accept cultured meat as meat.


Clean meat is a term much preferred by advocates and organizations that support the new technology. According to the Good Food Institute, the name also better reflects the benefits of the meat which include sustainability, environmental friendliness, animal welfare, food safety,

In media mentions as well as Google searches  "clean meat" has now overtaken "cultured" and "in vitro".

(Adapted from Wiki)


The theoretical possibility of growing meat in an industrial setting has long captured the public imagination. Winston Churchill suggested in 1931:

"We shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing, by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium."

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