
to kiss and cuddle


canoodle = knutschen, schmusen, rumschmusen



“Stupid Cupid: Valentine’s Day disasters, as seen by waiters. From excessive CANOODLING to screaming rows, restaurant staff see the best – and the worst – of the annual night of romance.”

The Guardian

“Dr. Henry advises on kissing, dating, CANOODLING during pandemic.”

CTV News Headline

Did you


- to engage in amorous embracing, caressing, and kissing



The origins of canoodle are obscure. Merriam-Webster’s best guess is that it may come from an English dialect noun of the same spelling meaning “donkey,” “fool,” or “foolish lover,” which itself may be an alteration of the word noodle, meaning “a foolish person.”

Since its first appearance in the language mid-19th century, canoodle has been most often used jocularly for playful public displays of affection by couples who are head over heels in love.

There are hundreds of synonyms for the act of entwining,… here are a few more to add to your repertoire:

carry on, make out, make whoopee, nuzzle, smooch, pucker up, kiss and cuddle, play kissy-face, bill and coo

Well dear Reader, I couldn’t end this entry without a piece of poetry:

My dear, I am feeling quite amorous;
I shall praise you in verses tetramerous! *
Let’s canoodle and huggle,
And cuddle and snuggle.
Disregard that I’m not very glamorous.

* tetrameter = verse written in lines of four metrical feet

Practice OWAD in an English conversation, say something like:

“Quite a few readers chose the wrong definition of CANOODLE in the OWAD quiz today.”

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