
an easy task


a cakewalk = ein Kinderspiel, eine leichte Sache —— to be no cakewalk = kein Spaziergang sein, keine leichte Sache / schwierig, kein Zuckerschlecken sein



“Hochul Wins, but It’s No CAKEWALK. The Democrat’s campaign will be analyzed and criticized, but she emerged as the first woman to be elected to the governorship in New York State.”

James Barron - The New York TImes (9th November 2022)

Did you


- something that is very easy to achieve

- a one-sided contest, an easy victory

Cambridge Dictionary / Merriam-Webster


The cakewalk was a pre-Civil War dance originally performed by slaves on plantation grounds. The uniquely American dance was first known as the “prize walk”; the prize was an elaborately decorated cake.

The cakewalk was so ingrained in American popular culture and entertainment that beginning in 1892, local cakewalk championships were being held in New York’s Madison Square Garden, which hosted a national championship in 1897. The dance had been exported to Europe a few years earlier when it was performed in 1889 at the Paris World’s Fair.

As cakewalk dances became more popular, they gave rise to their own form of music, an early predecessor of what’s now known as ragtime. With the increase in popularity, the dance became something of a crossover hit, and started being performed by whites and blacks alike.


- as nutty as a fruitcake = crazy or wacky (usually used humorously)

- sell like hot cakes = to sell very quickly and in large quantities

- that takes the cake! = to be the worst in a series of negative actions

- the icing on the cake = an additional benefit or positive aspect to something that is already considered positive or beneficial

- you can’t have your cake and eat it = you cannot have or do two things that are both desirable but normally contradictory or impossible to have or do simultaneously


- something that is easily done or accomplished

breeze, CAKEWALK, child’s play, cinch, cruise, cushy number, doddle, duck soup, easy as pie, easy ride, five-finger exercise, good time, gravy train, joy ride, kid stuff, lark, light work, like taking candy from a baby, money for old rope, no-brainer, no trouble, one-horse race, party, picnic, plum job, pushover, setup, smooth sailing, snap, snip, soft touch, sure thing, turkey shoot, walk in the park, walkover

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“The English test was a CAKEWALK for Markus, he grew up in the UK.”

THANKS to Herbert for suggesting today’s word.

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