


berate = beschimpfen, ausschimpfen, jdn. schelten, ausschelten



“An angry Putin BERATES his official during video meeting. Russian President Vladimir Putin sharply criticized one of his top officials at a public meeting for not delivering military aircraft quick enough. CNN's Clarissa Ward discusses the exchange and what Putin was trying to achieve.”

Clarissa Ward — CNN (13th January 2023)

Did you


- to scold or criticize (someone) angrily

- to criticize or speak in an angry manner to someone

- to scold or condemn vehemently and at length

Oxford Languages, Cambridge Dictionary, Merriam-Webster


The word "berate" comes from Middle English, originating in the 15th century. It is formed from the prefix be- meaning "thoroughly" or "completely”, combined with the verb rate, which, at the time, meant "to scold" or "to rebuke harshly”.

"Berate" literally means "to thoroughly scold" or "to criticize severely”. It originally referred to verbal reprimands, and that meaning has remained consistent over time.

The German berate, from beraten, literally means "advise", and is rooted in ancient Germanic words related to counsel and guidance. Interestingly, while it shares spelling similarities with the English "berate”, the meanings are completely opposite—the German offers guidance, the English delivers criticism!


Words which have opposite meanings are variously named: contronyms, antagonyms, enantiodromes, antilogies, or Janus words (after the two-faced Roman god). Do you know these?

1. buckle = to fasten or secure, AND to collapse or give way.

2. cleave = to split or separate (cleave the wood), AND to cling or stick together (cleave to your principles).

3. clip = to attach or fasten together, AND to detach or cut off.

4. dust = to remove fine particles (dust the shelves), AND to sprinkle with fine particles (dust with powdered sugar).

5. fast = moving quickly, AND fixed firmly in place (held fast, stuck fast).

6. left = remaining (there are five cookies left), AND departed (they have left the building).

7. overlook = to supervise or watch over, AND to fail to notice or ignore.

8. sanction = to approve or permit officially, AND to penalize or punish.

9. screen = to show or display (screen a movie), AND to conceal or hide from view (screen from sight).

10. weather = to withstand or endure (weather the storm), AND to wear away or erode (rocks weathered by wind).


abuse, admonish, assail, bash, bawl out, BERATE, bite someone's head off, blast, blow a gasket at someone, castigate, chastise, chew out, chide, come down on like a ton of bricks, condemn, criticize, cutting someone down to size, denounce, disparage, dress down, excoriate, flay, flaying with words, give a dressing-down (a piece of one's mind, a talking-to, a tongue-lashing), give a verbal lashing (sledgehammer, whipping), give someone an earful (a roasting, a rocket, a rollicking, a talking to, both barrels, the third degree), hammer, harangue, haul over the coals, have a go at someone, jump down someone's throat, lambaste, lay into, lecture, let someone have it, pillory, pouring salt on a wound, put someone in their place (through the wringer), rail against, rake over the coals, rap over the knuckles, read the riot act, ream out, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove, revile, rip someone to shreds, roast, scathe, scold, scorch with words, slam, take to task (to the woodshed), tear into, tear to shreds (strips off), tell off, tick off, tongue-lash, upbraid, vilify

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

"Why argue when you can just BERATE with style and a raised eyebrow?"

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