
appropriate, suitable


apposite = angemessen, angebracht, geeignet, treffend, passend, passgenau, zutreffend —— apposite answer = passende Antwort —— apposite argument = passendes Argument —— apposite comparison = treffender Vergleich —— apposite example = angemessenes Beispiel —— apposite observation = richtige Beobachtung —— apposite remark = treffende Bemerkung



“That may be an APPOSITE place to end, given the announcement today [Referring to announcement by President Biden that he was running for reelection].”

The Economist — A conversation with Henry Kissinger (17th May 2023)

“During the pandemic, time-loop films have become irresistibly APPOSITE. 'Palm Springs', a new romantic comedy, has arrived at the right time.”

Prospero — The Economist (10th July 2020)

Did you

adjective (formal)

- something that is apposite is suitable for or appropriate to what is happening or being discussed

- suitable; well-adapted; pertinent; relevant

Collins Dictionary / Dictionary dot com


“Apposite”, from the 1620s, meaning "well-put or applied, appropriate" is from the Latin appositus, meaning "contiguous, neighbouring”.

This is the same usage it retains today, where "apposite" is used to describe something that is highly relevant or suitable to what is happening or being discussed. It can refer to comments, examples, comparisons, and more.


- One day Herbert Beerbohm Tree encountered a man in the street staggering under the immense weight of a grandfather clock. "My good man,” Tree remarked, "why not carry a watch!?"

- James McNeill Whistler, known for his sharp wit, was once told by Oscar Wilde after hearing one of his clever remarks, "I wish I had said that." Whistler replied, "You will, Oscar, you will."

- Reporter to Mahatma Gandhi, "Mr. Gandhi, what do you think of Western Civilization?" Gandhi replied, "I think it would be a good idea."


applicable, APPOSITE, appropriate, becoming, befitting, congruent, congruous, cut out for, fitting, germane, harmonious, ideal, in keeping (line with, order, place, in step with, tune), just right (the ticket), like a glove, made to order, matched, matching, on the button, on the mark, on the money (the nose), right, suitable, tailored, timely, to the point (the purpose), useful, well-suited (-timed), well chosen (judged, picked), what's called for (the doctor ordered)

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

"APPOSITE vocabulary isn't just about using big words, but about choosing the right word at the right time and place.”

THANKS again to Peyman for suggesting today's OWAD.

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