


vagaries = Wechselfälle, Einfälle, Unwägbarkeiten, Zufälligkeiten (unerwartete und unerklärliche Veränderungen in einer Situation oder im Verhalten einer Person)



“Technology-based farming can tackle VAGARIES of nature, say experts.

A.D. Rangarajan - National symposium on ‘Fostering resilient coastal agroecosystems’ (22nd February 2023)

The VAGARIES of the Sea: Evidence on the Real Effects of Money from Maritime Disasters in the Spanish Empire.

Adam Brzezinski, et al. — M.I.T. Press Direct (26th July 2022)

Did you

plural noun

- an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone's behaviour

- an erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion

Oxford Languages / Merriam-Webster


How would you pronounce the word “GHOTI”? There are two possibilities:

(1) Notice the pronunciation of the English word “rouGH” where GH=F, “wOmen” where O=I, and “staTIon” where TI=SH. Thus, following these examples “GHOTI” is pronounced “FISH”! … but,

(2) Notice the pronunciation of the English word “althouGH” where GH is slient, “peOple” where O is silent, “lisTen” where T is silent, and “parliament” where i is silent. Thus, following these examples “GHOTI” is not pronounced at all!

The “Story of the Silent Fish” — attributed to George Bernhard Shaw — is a wonderful example of the vagaries of English pronunciation.


aberrations, anomalies, bumps in the road, caprices, coins tosses, curveballs, dice rolls, eccentricities, haphazardness, irregularities, oddballs, oddities, one-offs, out of left field, peculiar turns, peculiarities, pot luck, quirks (of fate), randomness, roulette wheels, surprises, turns of the cards, uncertainty, unpredictability, unknowns, VAGARIES, whims, whimsies, wild cards, yo-yo effects

SMUGGLE OWAD into an English conversation, say something like:

“The strange word ‘ghoti’ amusingly illustrates the VAGARIES of English!”

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