tip of the hat = Anerkennung, Kompliment
“From One Nonagenarian Artist to Another, a TIP OF THE HAT to Alex Katz. He admired a Mark di Suvero sculpture and gave it to the Brooklyn Museum. It now has pride of place in the museum’s 200th anniversary celebration.”
Ted Loos — The New York Times (3rd October 2024)
“As the Mac turns 40, a TIP OF THE HAT to Mr. Macintosh. Steve Jobs once commissioned Belgian artist Jean-Michel Folon to come up with an illustrated character that would ‘live” in every machine and surprise the owner: Mr. Macintosh, aka Mac Man.”
Anna Heim — TechCrunch (24th January 2024)
hat tip
- the fact of showing thanks for, or approval of, something someone has done
- a small, respectful gesture of thanks, praise, or congratulations
- a way of greeting or saying farewell to someone
The Cambridge Dictionary, The Free Dictionary
The custom of tipping or doffing one's hat originated in medieval times. Knights would raise their face visors to show friendly intent and reveal their identity. This practice eventually evolved into the gesture of lifting or tipping one's hat as a greeting or acknowledgment.
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, hat tipping became a common non-verbal greeting between men in Western societies. It was used to express recognition, respect, gratitude, or a simple salutation between two people.
By the 2000s, the term "hat tip" (often abbreviated as HT, H/T, H/t, or h/t) became common in the blogosphere to acknowledge contributions or sources of information. Today, it's used metaphorically to express admiration or respect, even when no physical hat is involved.
In a world of grand gestures and over-the-top displays, sometimes the most meaningful acknowledgments come in the subtlest forms. The phrase "tip of the hat" or “hat tip” embodies this idea, representing a small but significant way to show appreciation, respect, or admiration.
You will find “hat tip” abbreviated as "h/t" in social media posts or articles, acknowledging the source of information or inspiration. For instance, a journalist might write, "H/t to @JaneDoe for the lead on this story," giving credit where it's due.
A manager might say, "I'd like to give a tip of the hat to Sarah for her outstanding work on the project”, publicly recognizing an employee's efforts.
The nice thing about a hat-tipping is that it shows appreciation without overstatement, it acknowledges contributions without overshadowing them. In a world where recognition can sometimes feel forced or insincere, a "tip of the hat" stands out for its genuine, gentle, and respectful tone.
Helga & Paul Smith
a bouquet (a nod to), a bow to, acknowledgment, admiration, adulation, appreciation, applause, attaboy, attagirl, big ups, bow of respect, bravo, commendation, compliments to, congratulations, credit where credit is due, curtsy, doff one's cap, endorsement, HAT TIP, HT, H/T, H/t, h/t, hail, hand it to, hat(s) off to, homage, kudos, laurels, much respect to, nod of appreciation, pat on the back, plaudits, praise, recognition, respect, salute(s) (to), shout-out (to), thumbs up to, TIP OF THE HAT (the cap, the stetson), toast, tribute (to), well played
SMUGGLE OWAD into a conversation today, say something like:
“A TIP OF THE HAT to everyone keeping mentally fit by exercising their brains.”
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Paul, Helga, & Jenny Smith