The nether regions

Hades (mythology)


nether regions = Unterwelt — Intimbereich (humoristisch, euphemistisch)



″’Well, I have been cheerfully wished to THE NETHER REGIONS by many people,’ laughed the Rev. Elizabeth Johnson, a member of the General Assembly Special Committee on Human Sexuality.

The Associated Press

Did you

nether regions (also nether world)
plural noun

- another name for underworld (hell or Hades)
- the lower part of a place, esp when unpleasant or frightening

Collins Dictionary


You will also hear the “private” parts of the human body also being  referred to informally, humorously, and euphemistically as THE NETHER REGIONS.


the underworld, perdition, hellfire, Hades, Pandemonium, infernal regions, eternal punishment, everlasting fire, bottomless pit, fire and brimstone (Schwefel), eternal damnation, the bottomless pit, land of the dead, the abode of the damned, the abyss, loss of the soul, the other place, demiworld, half-world, realm of Pluto

Now let’s close on a more uplifting note by reflecting on the other side of the linguistic coin:


Avalon, Camelot, Garden of Eden, lotusland, Valhalla, Happy Valley, Promised land, Elysian Fields, City of God, Shangri-la, Celestial city, Heavenly kingdom, Pearly gates, Never-never land, Happy hunting ground, Abode of the angels, Arcadia, Erewhon, Abraham’s bosom, land of milk and honey, Xanadu, Cloud Nine, City of light, Neverland, Garden of Delights, Fiddler’s Green, El Dorado, Sweet Hereafter, La-La land

A shout-out to Ute for suggesting today’s word!

VIELEN DANK to all readers helping me keep OWAD alive with single or monthly donations at:

Have a nice weekend!

Paul Smith

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